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Full Version: Tiny Supply 20V/3A
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As you know, I am always hunting for the deals from China. I came up with a nice cheap design for a universal power block. The design had to support both cords and cordless for portable use, corded for long term. The whole project can be built quite cheaply and allow you to power any standard device extremely easily, and things that need to be wired in almost as easy as that. The design includes a clip lead and a set of interchangeable tips so that anything can be powered by just plugging things in, no soldering! Links to the parts and pictures below. I think we should build a set of these for the group.

Panel meter($5.22):

Tips($11.81): http://www.ebay.com/itm/271822083826?_tr...EBIDX%3AIT

PSU($16.76, can offer lower)

The project box was a spare I had lying around, same with the original tip to reverse the polarities. The two knobs were radio shack parts and I could probably find them cheaper online.(I can, 6 with knobs for 7 bucks)

[Image: 36e9d07bf6.jpg]
Thank you so much for posting this! I was just needing something like this!