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Volunteer to man a booth or 2
08-18-2015, 10:24 AM,
Volunteer to man a booth or 2
Hi All,

Anyone available to man a booth or 2 this week?
or just have their stuff on display while someone else mans it?

Spark west central would like us to have a table tomorrow night at the kendall yards night market.. unfortunately it is from 4-8pm so it overlaps with SC! open hours.

Saturday @ Worldcon, we have a table for Saturday at Sasquan, I only have a couple of name badges, basically we would want to show 3d printer doing something cool, maybe have some other stuff to display.. you would also get the opportunity to see the rest of the con during Sat. If you are interested in spearheading this, please let me know

I know these are all short time lines and I apologize for that, but I think we can still do something cool!

"If you didn't build it, you will never own it." - Barton Dring
08-20-2015, 05:32 PM,
RE: Volunteer to man a booth or 2
What's the time frame on Saturday?

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