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10-08-2013, 09:39 AM,
"The best thing for the land is the farmer's boots upon it" - unknown

That quote is the inspiration of my BootsBot project. See I have a problem, I live in an apartment and my garden is four miles away. As you can imagine I don't get out to my garden as often as I would like, so the BootsBot is an experiment in remote sensing. The idea is that it would allow me to remotely put my boots upon my garden.

[Image: 10157969825_c764fa6815.jpg]

I'm currently working on the local sensor package. I'm currently sending the data to Thingspeak, you can see the channel here

I plan to work on the remote sensors next, hopefully using either BTLE or nRF24L01 for communications between the controller and remote sensors. The remote sensors will contain things like soil moisture, soil temperature and cameras. I want to go wireless because cables would be a hazard to people working in the garden and could get cut by rototillers and weed eaters.

The power package will probably be a battery that is kept topped off by a solar panel. I imagine I will need to disconnect the battery and charge it up every once in a while. Hopefully not too often.

I would appreciate any comments you have.


Messages In This Thread
BootsBot - by Photonic - 10-08-2013, 09:39 AM
RE: BootsBot - by david tremaine - 10-13-2013, 06:57 AM
RE: BootsBot - by Photonic - 10-14-2013, 09:32 AM

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