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For a while now, I've had an interest in hydroponic gardening. I was talking to a few of you today regarding a prototype build I did while living in Las Vegas. It was successful, but had its share of problems... I wrote a post describing my build a while back on a site specializing in "window" farming. Here's the link for those who are interested:
That is a super cool project! Makes me want to try to grow some plants, even though I only have an apartment.
Very neat. I still can't believe those roots! I would like to build a simple drain-to-waste table, with the end goal of an aquaponics system in our greenhouse. Aquaponics involves hydroponic gardening with aquaculture (raising fish for food) in a way that allows fish to help feed the plants. Some systems I have seen are small enough to fit in a kitchen.

Would either of you (or anyone else) be interested in trying to grow some small edible plants with a system like this?
I am piecing together an Aquaponic setup right now. So far so good. Still undecided on the fish though...

Hopefully it should be ready for the growing this summer.