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(03-05-2015, 07:31 AM)ctcollins9 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, wish I could have been there last night, dentist appointment. Sad. Sounds like you guys got a pretty good plan going so far. Honestly, for me, I do not really care that my printer has a small xy build area, because everything I make is mostly just going to be for fun, but I can definitely see you guys needing some extra build space (for example, I would really like to make a case for my phone, but my printer is just a little too small) I am not telling you what to do, but I prefer accuracy over speed, but the then also, like you said earlier, you don't have a lot of time to print on your 3 hour meets. I would definitely
You're not telling me what to do, I'm asking for opinions and I appreciate getting them. When building a machine for the space, it's important to build it for the space's needs. I can think of things that would require more than a 10" build circle, but they could fairly easily be modified to print vertically, or assembled from multiple parts if print grain is important to the operational strength of the part. The only things I can think of that would almost require a single piece on a 15" build surface would be things like tablet cases or full art pieces.

How big is your build area? 4-6"? How much larger would you make yours?
My printable build area XY is 7 inches by 7 inches and my printable height is 9 inches. It is actually bigger than you may think, but the rounded corners take away a lot of space.
Apparently my math was shot when I was tired. 18" rods have a 18" or so max height. The 12" calculation was right at 24" or so.

I downloaded the OpenSCAD and STL files for both the Rostock and Kossel. I think we can use a whole two parts from the print list: the carriage/platform and the hotend fan shroud. Unless we custom build those as well.
I can print bits for you if you need them. PLA only for now until I get ABS calibrated.
Thanks man! I don't know exactly what we need just yet. It will be a lot of custom parts though. At least a dozen of the same part to brace the frame, three motor mounts, three pulley mounts, plate mounts, three carriages, the platform/head, and at least one fan mount but probably two.

I'm PLA only as well until I get my enclosure built. ABS would be awesome for heat resistance, but getting started it's probably not worth the hassle.

Measured bits tonight. The 4' rods are 16mm and the older 5' rods are 14mm. I need to pickup some linear bearings for the older rods.

Other than zipties, misc metric hardware, and frame bits I think this is what I'm looking at (let me know if you find anything missing):
- 24' GT2 belt
- 3x GT2 pulleys
- 6x bearings (opposite end of belts)
- 4' Bowden feed
- 6x Traxxis rods
- 3x 14mm linear bearings

Already on the way or at Create Space:
- RAMPS driver
- Stepper motors
- Roller end stops (good positive contacts, magnetic snap closing)
- JHead hotend
- Greg's extruder driver
Unfortunately, domain name renewals, hosting, and truck repairs coincided this month so I'm not going to order the listed parts yet. However, that doesn't stop me from working on the frame with materials already on hand.

Got my enclosure for my printer mostly done last night. I've had the panels sitting around for a while, but needed to finish printing corner and edge brackets to hold it together. Still need to mount the carbon filter vent/fan, which was printed a while back, but it holds heat in pretty well and reduces drafts. Maybe ABS is an option after all. Print testing to be done!

Since I'm looking at the frame, I'm trying to decide on colors. The wooden parts of the frame can be easily and cheaply painted nearly any color, but the printed parts just look better raw so base color is important if it's going to be a possible show piece. I think if we color coordinate any print efforts, it would pay dividends toward the appearance. While I have oddball and plain colors for PLA (black, silver, glow-in-dark yellow, and pink), I do have three full 1kg rolls of ABS sitting around in red, blue, and bright green (as well as heat-sensitive puke green). I'm really tempted by black wooden parts with bright green printed parts. But, copying the Spokane Create colors with white wood and blue printed parts would look really slick with the aluminum rods. Worst case, we find a filament we like and use that to print (just delays things further).

What do you guys think?
(03-17-2015, 11:06 AM)ABearden Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortunately, domain name renewals, hosting, and truck repairs coincided this month so I'm not going to order the listed parts yet.

I'm thinking this sounds like a pretty sweet build. Is this something you're building for the space, or for yourself? If this is something that you're building for the space, I don't mind contributing some cash. Spokane Create also has some funds (though not much) that can be used for materials for projects that benefit the space. Don't feel like you need to foot the bill alone. Smile
(03-17-2015, 07:01 PM)n8cutler Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking this sounds like a pretty sweet build. Is this something you're building for the space, or for yourself? If this is something that you're building for the space, I don't mind contributing some cash. Spokane Create also has some funds (though not much) that can be used for materials for projects that benefit the space. Don't feel like you need to foot the bill alone. Smile

Thanks! I'm just hoping it turns out half as cool as it looks in my head!

The delta is born of the space's old RepRap and some of the raw materials from the space, so the new delta will be for the space as well. The other project, the SLA printer, is the one I'm building for my own use; I already have an FDM printer at home that will make many of the parts needed for this build. I have the hotend, so in theory the old RepRap could be brought to life for the space but like I said in the first post: where's the fun in that? Big Grin Everyone and their brother has an old beater RepRap, not everyone has a 4' tall custom delta.

If others would like to contribute to speed up the parts acquisition or assist with building, I will not turn down the help! The more people in on it, the more pride will be taken when using the machine. So far half of the aluminum rods, the electronics, and the steppers are from bits and pieces laying around the space. Dan brought in some more aluminum rods and the linear bearings to match. I've got the hotend, switches, extruder, and at least one roll of filament so far (depending on color/material). Colby and acgrouse (I think I know who that is at the space, but not 100%) have both offered to print parts if needed. The rest of the list above is looking to be around $90, but I haven't found any 14mm linear bearings yet (might be cheaper to buy more round rod to match the linear bearings Dan provided), and I haven't figured out how much M3/M5 hardware of what sizes we need yet to come up with the complete BOM.

Random musing for the hardware BOLT (edit for Dan) BOM, now that I'm thinking about it:
  • 12x M3x10
Motor Mounts:
  • Mounted with frame bolts
Pulley Mounts:
  • 6x M3x?? + nylock nuts (tensioners)
  • Mounted with frame bolts
  • 56x M5x30 + nylock nuts (3x per corner per plate, 3x plates at each end)
  • Tension???
  • 6x M3x10 + nylock nuts
  • 12x M3x10 (linear bearing lock nuts)
Extruder Mount:
  • 2x M5x30 + nylock nuts
Traxxis Rods:
  • 12x M3x??
  • 4x M3x15 (fan mount, hotend mount)
  • 8x M3x15 (board + fan mount)
  • 4x nylon standoffs
Build Plate:
  • ?????
Dan just confirmed the linear bearings already at the space are 5/8" and there are enough to build the machine. I just ordered 2 more 5/8" rods so we can stick with the standard of two identical rods side by side at each corner. It'll be easier than two different sized rods setup as inner/outer. I'll see about working out the math on the layout tonight so we can start putting designs to file and maybe start printing parts.
Thanks Nate for the donation!

Got the rest of the drive components ordered, along with the Bowden feed setup, and the frame hardware. Also got the math figured out for the base. The thing is going to be over two feet wide on the longest dimension. I think I can fit two to a 2x4 MDF hobby board.
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