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Wow, cutting this thing out took WAY too long at 15ipm. I think I need to bump that to 20-25ipm since I dropped the depth increment to 0.05". Given the differences in processes the parts don't line up exactly, but it's close enough that it won't be bad. But, this thing is huge. Put together one layer for pictures (hand for scale, I have roughly 9" handspan).
(06-06-2015, 05:22 PM)ABearden Wrote: [ -> ]As for the build, the only thing I don't have yet is the dxf for the feet. If you want to try printing the tensioners or the carriages I haven't started on them yet. I don't have enough blue to do the carriages in the same color as the brackets (though, we have more blue with the leapfrogs). Trying to decide between red or lime ABS. With the light color of the ply, the red/white/blue would look pretty good in my opinion, but so would lime/white/blue or just blue/white. So far, I've got 8/12 brackets printed; took a little while between tuning for these prints and the meltdown recovery. Once I have all the printing and machining done, I'll probably do some extra-curricular building during the day.

I will get the tensioners going on the leapfrog in black PLA
Thanks to the help of Chris, Dan, and John, we got the frame and effector setup before the event on Thursday! Chris deserves a special thanks for helping me Thursday morning to finish up the effector rods and platform setup. Had we not stopped for lunch we could have setup the electronics and got it moving (not printing), but it was hot and we needed a break. So far, it looks awesome, just needs a few design tweaks before it can be fully operational.

Anyone manage to snap a picture of it at the event? All I got were mid-assembly photos.
I need pictures!!!!! Wink
(07-14-2015, 07:00 PM)ctcollins9 Wrote: [ -> ]I need pictures!!!!! Wink
I'll try to remember to snap a couple when I'm there tomorrow.
(07-14-2015, 08:03 PM)ctcollins9 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks!
Here you go...just snagged one. I'm not sure when you saw it last. It may not look too different.
I haven't seen it at all yet! That's awesome! Great job you guys. Wish I could be there Sad
Here's some with assemblers for scale.
This hasn't been abandoned! Just needed to switch gears for a little while since I seriously burned myself out with the run up to the open house and I've been really busy trying to keep work coming in.

Nothing like spending an evening watching Season 3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender while rebuilding a 3D model from vertices. Apparently SolidWorks makes for a dirty STL, but the geometry was too good to throw out and start from scratch. Dropped all of the faces/edges (except the sexy belt ridges), purged the unnecessary vertices, then manually re-stitched the vertices with new faces. Split the carriage into a clamp design and added four bolts that simultaneously pinch the belts and the linear bearings. Also relocated the "ears" to hopefully remove the tilt at the edges of the build plate.

Here's carriage v2.0.
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