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Upgrades. Printers printing parts for themselves. Now we can point to the green parts on it and say "those were printed on this printer." Big Grin
First failure! Printing Tyson's model this evening and realized it wasn't going to make it before closing. We started upping the speed multiplier a bit (M220 S%, btw, so "M220 S100" is normal). We were printing at 60mm/s and bumped it to 360mm/s without incident. Going above that resulted in slippage because it has experienced some belt stretch since we installed it. I tried to tighten the pulley to restore belt tension but it pulled from the carriage. The delta is down until we can pull the carriages and reinstall the belts.

I didn't get a good look at the model before leaving, but it looks decent from the pictures that got posted. Not much in the way of artifacts. Once it's operational again, we can probably print at 300mm/s reliably which should help finish prints before the night is through.
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