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(04-28-2015, 07:18 AM)TroyCoon Wrote: [ -> ]I have a Rostock Max frame 20/20 with printed parts, Graphite rods, belts etc, that I could ship you guys. As long as it is for use to everybody in the group. Just need motors, electronics and extruder.

When are you making the move this way? You may be able to just bring it with you since we are still working on the other one. Also, please ignore the request for your website in the PM...I see it in your signature.
I'll have to check, but I did end up with three extra steppers when I pulled apart the Chinese laser cutter for my other build. They might be bipolar and the right size. I don't think they're high torque, but not sure how much torque the Rostock design requires.

Also, tapping graphite/carbon effector rods sucks. Itchy everywhere.
Were the layer spacers supposed to be 1.25"? I thought so, then 1 layer plus spacer = 2" so 3 layers = 6" on the bottom, and how ever many on the top..
if so then the m5x30 wont be long enough to go through the spacer and the layer correct?

I know the attached rendering doesn't look like much but I made a bunch of progress, I just need to stack the layers and work on the bearing slides next, of course I don't have cut outs etc for power supply but will add those later
Lookin' good!

3x 0.5" board + 2x 1.25" brackets/spacers = 4" total for top and bottom.

My thinking on the frame bolts was to add 0.85" tall insets with 0.20" or so flanges top and bottom on the brackets. That way, the M5x30 bolts go through the flange on one bracket, through the board, and through the flange on the second bracket which is 22.86mm total, leaving 7mm for the nut. I think we talked about it about a month ago, but I really should upload more of the drawings. I should be able to squeeze in time this weekend to clarify and upload all the sketches.

Can you export any STLs for the brackets? Just so I can get a rough idea of the filament mass requirements and get a few rolls of filament on the way. I just ordered some this morning because Inventables is liquidating their 3D printing stock, but unfortunately they sold out of all of the $5/roll filament before I found out about it.
Apparently I forgot to upload these at some point despite going over them in person. The rest of it is covered on page 3. Basic layout design idea from the original triangle design. Not sure how it would fit in with your bracket design, but it's an idea.
Something like this for Bearing Carriage?
do we have enough resolution to make the bearings press fit?

I still need to add a second hole for a m3 bolt to tighten down the belt and a slot for the free side of the belt. think this will print ok?

On the effector rod connectors is that 40mm inside between the 2 ears on the picture? or is that 40mm to the outside of the ears?
Looks nice. Two concerns which might be addressed, but can't tell from the picture:
- Will an M3 bolt hold the belt w/o tearing it? (is there something I can't see?)
- The rods need a little room "behind" the ears for the effector heads, but I can't see that side of the carriage.

We can absolutely make the bearings press fit. I was planning on going thick wall anyway, so if a little sanding needs to happen we can do that.

The way the ears are on the stock machine, it's 40mm outside to outside. The bolts point inward through the effector heads, the ears, and then a bolt is inset into the inside of the ear.

And in unrelated, but affects the project, news: my boss just called to tell me they can't keep me fulltime. Wheeee. Probably going on a spending freeze for projects for a while depending on how this plays out. Sad
Want a proximity sensor for the delta? Here's one in the US on eBay for $2.59 + $1.93 shipping: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LJ12A3-4-Z-BX-In...3cf5e2e66a. Although, I can't find a mount, but if there is one, it should work for both printers, as the effectors are the same.

BTW, sorry about your job. Sad
(05-12-2015, 10:19 AM)ABearden Wrote: [ -> ]Looks nice. Two concerns which might be addressed, but can't tell from the picture:
- Will an M3 bolt hold the belt w/o tearing it? (is there something I can't see?)
- The rods need a little room "behind" the ears for the effector heads, but I can't see that side of the carriage.

We can absolutely make the bearings press fit. I was planning on going thick wall anyway, so if a little sanding needs to happen we can do that.

The way the ears are on the stock machine, it's 40mm outside to outside. The bolts point inward through the effector heads, the ears, and then a bolt is inset into the inside of the ear.

And in unrelated, but affects the project, news: my boss just called to tell me they can't keep me fulltime. Wheeee. Probably going on a spending freeze for projects for a while depending on how this plays out. Sad

Sorry about the job :-( lame

- Do you know how thick those ears are so I can match them?
- The carriage has the GT2 tooth profile internal, I was hoping the M3 would provide the pressure on the belt, but the internal teeth would hold it.
- Any idea on how far those ears should stick out? (from center hole to bearing carriage)
(05-12-2015, 02:46 PM)ctcollins9 Wrote: [ -> ]Want a proximity sensor for the delta? Here's one in the US on eBay for $2.59 + $1.93 shipping: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LJ12A3-4-Z-BX-In...3cf5e2e66a. Although, I can't find a mount, but if there is one, it should work for both printers, as the effectors are the same.

BTW, sorry about your job. Sad
For bed leveling? Unfortunately that's an inductive proximity sensor which requires metal within 4mm for it to trigger.

(05-12-2015, 06:51 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry about the job :-( lame

- Do you know how thick those ears are so I can match them?
- The carriage has the GT2 tooth profile internal, I was hoping the M3 would provide the pressure on the belt, but the internal teeth would hold it.
- Any idea on how far those ears should stick out? (from center hole to bearing carriage)
- The glow-in-the-dark yellow effector platform is in the tub if you want a close look at it. I'll bring in an effector rod head tomorrow. The ears are 14mm wide and 12mm apart for 40mm outside-to-outside. They are 8mm tall. How far they stick out is odd due to the triangular shape of the platform, but it's 10+ mm. I attached the STL in the ZIP below.
- Ah, that makes sense. Worst case we can print internal tabs for the M3 to press into and increase the surface area without changing the model much.
- I think I had 0.5" for the entire ear, but anything over 6mm from center hole to carriage should work.
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