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(03-25-2015, 11:32 PM)ABearden Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Nate for the donation!

Got the rest of the drive components ordered, along with the Bowden feed setup, and the frame hardware. Also got the math figured out for the base. The thing is going to be over two feet wide on the longest dimension. I think I can fit two to a 2x4 MDF hobby board.

Got anything I can draw up in my spare time?
Sure! I redrew and cleaned up my sketches a bit, but here's the basic layout of the frame panels. Someone please double check my math. Overall, they're 5/8" guide rods, 1.5" apart, with a 3/4" margin from the edge of the plate. Equilateral triangle with truncated corners. Effector/Traxxas rod + platform + hinge distance (basically bottom of the upper guide rods to the bottom of the lower guide rods) should be about 20.5" assuming 18" rods, 2" platform, and 0.5" allowance for carriage hinge. That distance is rough, but the final measurements can be compensated for in the firmware. Important part is the guide rod towers are equidistant and identical.

It doesn't include the M5 mounting holes, which I was thinking of changing to 5 per tower: one at each corner, one inline with those two spaced between the guide rods, and two more along the print edge (same distance from corner boltholes as the center bolt). The center bolt might not be required, or could be moved to the interior instead of the edge. Might be overkill, but would keep things tight. Would require 90 M5x30 bolts (I ordered 100 with matching nylok nuts, so this is very doable).

This will serve as the parent design for the 6 frame plates in the design. Then modifications will be made based on the location. All of them can be hollowed in the middle for weight savings and/or design (figured the Spokane Create logo needs to go somewhere). We can also turn it upside-down and put the motors and controller on the bottom if need be, but I don't see the increase in mass being a huge problem with as hefty as the frame is (physics enthusiasts, feel free to chime in on this!).
  • Bottom-most: guide rod holes only halfway through.
  • Bottom-middle: same as base design, all holes pass through.
  • Bottom-upper: needs addition for belt tensioners between guide rods, and plate-mounting brackets.
  • Top-lower, top-middle: identical, need modified pathway for belt (relocated middle bolt), requires center path for Bowden tube.
  • Top-most: also needs belt and Bowden pathways, requires bolt layout for mounting motors/controller/extruder, guide rods only halfway through.

Really excited about how much involvement I'm getting on this, thanks guys!
What are your thoughts on adding more flare like attached?
Awesome! Thanks for all your work on this!
As long as it maintains the right tower spacing, margins for support, and places to put bolts (is that a constant radius on the corners?). The square design leaves 0.9" or so on the corners for bolt margin. The curved organic tech look definitely works well in white/blue, we'd just need to tailor the brackets to match. I'm not one for organic modelling, but it would look cool. I can work out the dimensions though. As long as I can get STLs for 3D printing and a suitable 2D file for CNC (still working out the tool chain there).

And damnit, I just realized I forgot to pop the caliper on the linear bearings to get the length and OD.
(03-26-2015, 10:45 PM)ABearden Wrote: [ -> ]I just realized I forgot to pop the caliper on the linear bearings to get the length and OD.

1.125" Outside Diameter
1.5" length
Thanks Dan!

Belts, bearings, rods, and pulleys got here today. M3x10 and M5x30 hardware should be here Monday. Guide rods haven't shipped yet. I'll have to call them Monday.
Okay, uploading the the carriage required dimensions. Left out wall thickness and the M3 set screw location; figured I'd let flare decide where that goes. Big Grin It won't let me upload the SCAD or STL for the effector. Tempted to try to modify the effector STL with an insert so we can swap heads as necessary, that can happen later with minimal modification.

EDIT: apparently forgot the belt clamp. Will have to reupload later.
Guide rods apparently shipped out 5 days after order instead of the 3 as promised on the site, thus missing the window of availability for me to sign for them. Attempted delivery while I was in Utah. Thank you UPS for having awesome tools; rescheduled delivery and they got here today. They need to be cleaned and polished, but look good.

Hardware-wise, we have everything except the twelve M4x25(?) nuts/bolts for the Traxxas rods, the three long M3 bolts for the belt pulley/tensioners (depends on final design), and the build-plate (again, design to be determined).

Next steps:

1. Finalize layout: plate, bracket, and carriage designs
2. Assemble Traxxas rods: tap threads, set final length, epoxy
3. Clean and polish remaining guide rods
4. Customize delta firmware for layout
Awesome! Thanks for the update. We could probably just grab the mounting hardware locally if we need to. Sounds like you have just about everything. Thanks!
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