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Yeah, I grabbed 100x M3x10 (motors, set screws, electronics mountings) and 100x M5x30 (frame), both with matching nylok nuts. That's the bulk of the fastener requirements. We only need 3 to 12 of the remaining hardware sizes, so local is a good option unless someone wants a whole bunch of extra M4 and long M3 bolts laying around.
Delta firmware uploaded to the Arduino with rough values for the geometry. Should be able to start building the wiring harness. Thinking basic jumper wires for end stops/thermistor/extruder, and good bullet connectors for the heater. I've got to check my toolbox to see what I've got on hand, but any good places to get connectors locally?
Plenty of 3' jumper wires (7x 4-wire, 5x 3-wire, and 4x 2-wire) in the toolbox. Thank goodness for extras from machine kits. Found a roll of thin kapton tape too, to help with the hotend wires.
Is this what you had in mind for the feet? (pardon the wood texture)
(04-21-2015, 09:14 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Is this what you had in mind for the feet? (pardon the wood texture)

That's awesome.

How do you envision them bolting to the frame/next layer?
Delta firmware tested, hardware worked, just need something to put it in now!
(04-22-2015, 08:44 PM)ABearden Wrote: [ -> ]Delta firmware tested, hardware worked, just need something to put it in now!

As that was a jab toward me, I will get something for you by next Wednesday Smile
(04-23-2015, 06:45 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]As that was a jab toward me, I will get something for you by next Wednesday Smile

Not a jab, the frame takes more time as THE custom piece. Particularly since you're making it look awesome, too. Besides, while you're working on that, I have to get the effector rods assembled, the two new guide rods sized and polished, and the tensioner figured out. I appreciate the help because there's a lot to do for the frame.

One thing I just noticed: the plate design in the pictures for the feet don't include the wire guide mounts (third hole) you cane up with last week.

Also, for the carriages, if it works better the effectors could be mounted from the outside instead of the inside (like the platform). That way the effector rod mounts don't interfere with the belts running between the guide rods.
I have a Rostock Max frame 20/20 with printed parts, Graphite rods, belts etc, that I could ship you guys. As long as it is for use to everybody in the group. Just need motors, electronics and extruder.
I think we have a spare RAMPs board, and an extra stepper. Not sure about the other parts on hand. After we get the big one figured out, it'd be awesome to start on a second for the space. I don't think there will be any lack of demand for 3D printing.
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